Supervision works

Experience in supervision

CCAT experts have experience in supervising the works related to environmental infrastructure projects and investments, being able to provide technical assistance services for work contracts (monitoring the physical progress of the works compared to the execution schedule), developing procedures manuals for supervision, verifying compliance with engineering regulations, quality standards imposed for compliance with the specific requirements of each type of investment. Supervision services refer to compliance with specific legislation in the environmental protection, construction field, within the appropriate institutional framework for each project.

Cooperation and supervision in projects with multilateral implications

In our opinion, the principle on which services involving or affecting more than one entity are based is that of cooperation with a view to achieving a common goal. This principle applies even more in situations where outside the contractual relationship between a client and a consultant there is also a third party, the contractor of the works, and, whose point of view can provide new, unforeseen details about a project. Thus, the supervision services also include providing advice to modify or adapt the technical solutions to the specific conditions in the field, in a timely manner and in compliance with the legislation in force, when it is the case.

Continuous supervision

Supervision services can be provided continuously throughout the execution of the works, until the issuance of the completion certificates, as well as intermittently during the notification period of defects, or at certain moments or stages of the projects, depending on the type of investment and the clients’ requests.

Contractual conditions in accordance with GD 1/2018

CCAT experts know the contractual conditions developed on the basis of GD no. 1/2018, and are able able to provide specific consulting services to beneficiaries of such construction contracts.

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